Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Film Festival Commenting

In Room4 we have been learing to write a qualty blog comment i lernt that a quality blog comment comments need to be ppositive, thougful and helpful we watched pervious Maniakalani film Festivle

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

nice comment

this my comic strip ples leave a good comment

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Monday, 2 September 2019

creative writing

I'm going to Australia for 1 week. I'm going on Tuesday, I will be back on monday

I will be staying in a motel im going to the zoo and see all the animals

But i will go to Christchurch on a plane to Australia I saw a lion i saw cool bechis i went swimming

I took photos it was cool i wish you could of came i played games I bought my computer

You can see them when I get back I am going to the park I'll be back tomorrow after i'm going to billy's house and then we will go to the pools for a couple of hours and then go to the beach and then im going to play minecraft

I'm going skydiving and skydiving into the water we are going into a big feld and me and billy is going on our scooters to the skate park and we are going to have a paintball battel

To mum From flecher

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The sun weighs about  2x10,30 kgs. Here is the figure (333,000)kgs   

The sun is 1 392 000 km long. (the earth is 109 km long)    

The sun takes 25.4 days to rotate. 

The average temperature of the sun is 5,500 celsius on the surface (if you dig down to the core of the sun it is 15,000,000 degrees celsius) 

Because of its weight the sun’s gravity dominates our solar system and holds all of the planets in orbit.
The sun is one huge star.